The professional act by which the psychologist exercises his/her profession is one of great social responsibility. The methodology of practicing psychology in Romania is regulated by the College of Psychologists, which is responsible for the decisions issued, and through the Steering Committee and the specialized committees in its composition, it exercises the powers of coordination, verification, control and implementation of the duties and functions assigned by law. The professional liability is formulated by the Codes of Discipline and deontology, by the Disciplinary Procedure, or in more serious cases, by the Criminal Code or of criminal procedure, which specifies the limits of competence and the deviations of those who by irregular or abusive exercise violate these limits, willful or at fault.
3.1 Psychology office – management from minimum to ideal
3.2 Ethics of the psychologist profession
3.3 Code discipline, disciplinary procedure code and ethical dilemmas
3.4 How to manage ethical dilemmas and where they can be actually be solved
3.5 Examples from practice and practical ways to solve ethical violations
3.7 Confidentiality and professional responsibility
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Sumar Curs
- Cursanți înscriși 152
- Mod de evaluare Self
- Formator : Dr. Zaharia Corina Mihaela